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Married Breakdancers, Swim Coach & SGAG Actress Among Top 20 For Star Search 2024

It’s been five years since Star Awards 2024 Best Supporting Actor Zhang Zetong won Star Search and what better time is there to welcome a fresh batch of could-be Ah Ge Ah Jies.
After three rounds of open auditions held at Funan and Orchard Central in July, 20 young men and women managed to beat out thousands of other hopefuls to make it to the semi-finals. 
Among the contestants are a Taiwanese-Singaporean swimming coach who aspired to be a stunt actor, two competitive breakdancers who are — surprise, surprise — married to each other, and a student from Hong Kong whom the producers had called not once, not twice, but three times before she was convinced to join the contest.
The 10 girls and 10 guys met the press for the first time at an event at Mediacorp last night (Sep 12).
Each had their moment in the spotlight walking down a long runway. The night’s emcee Jeremy Chan likened the stage to a giant dining table, an apt description given how the contestants were basically presented to the press as fresh meat. 
They all gave their best model walk before stopping for a short interview with Jeremy and the night’s other host, Yes 933 jock Gao Mei Gui.  
Nerve-racking, we are sure, though most were surprisingly eloquent in Mandarin. One even showed off her impressive French.
The Top 20 are now taking lessons from their ‘talent instructors’ — Guo Liang and Dennis Chew for expression and communication, Sheila Sim in stage presence and body movement, while Mediacorp executive producer Loh Woon Woon and theatre director Nelson Chia are coaching them in acting — before the next round of eliminations on November 3. 
So what exactly are these kids vying for?
Well, this year’s top 3 winners will each walk away with a brand new BYD car. This edition of Star Search marks the first time all three winners get to win a car. In 2019, only Zetong won one. The champion is also guaranteed a contract with Mediacorp. 
Okay, enough from us. Here’s a look at Star Search 2024’s Top 20:
“Actually in 2019, when I was 16, I wanted to join Star Search, but I was having my O-Levels then. I wanted to go to China to study acting this year, but Star Search came back, so I thought: ‘You know what? Why not just try it.’ It was very scary to perform in front of people in the shopping mall. I was freaking out.”
“To be honest, [the producers calling to ask me to join] gave me a confidence boost. They didn’t only call twice, they called three times! I thought: ‘Maybe I really have what it takes [to win]?’ (Laughs)”
“I am very thankful for my electric guitar [which captured the attention of scouters]. I don’t think they noticed me for my looks, because that day I was wearing a super lup sup black T-shirt with shorts. I think it’s because of my guitar which was right next to me.”
“Since young, I’ve always wanted to be an actor. When I heard about the competition, I took some days to think about it, then I realised they were going to my school the next day to scout for contestants. So I went to find them and told them I wanted to try out. Basically, you can say that I scouted for the scouts (Laughs)”
“I joined Star Search because I need a job. (chuckles) I just graduated from a performing arts school, so I wished that I could pursue the same thing as what I’ve learnt and use my skills in the correct place.”
“I was actually at the audition to support my partner [who was auditioning], but one of the crew approached me and convinced me to try out… Maybe at first my partner was a little sad [that I got in and he didn’t], but he’s still completely supportive.”
“I started acting when I was 13 and I was a child actor with Okto. Then school started and I was stagnating in the acting scene. That made me upset because I felt that there was something missing in my life. Now, I don’t want to have any regrets and I want to have a platform where I can grow myself and be a star actor. Not just an actor but a star actor ‘cos this is the Star Search.”
“I’m usually a zen person. I’m not the type who gets very competitive. After joining Star Search, I realised everyone around me is too talented. I need to buck up otherwise I [wouldn’t be able to keep up].”
“I think [being the only Chinese-Indian in the competition] helps me stand out. When I was over there, the reporter immediately knew who I was because there is no one with a darker skin tone than me here (laughs).”
“When I was in secondary school, I had to create my own signature, and I created one which had a star and my name. At that point, I already knew I wanted to express myself and shine, but I didn’t know how to. When Star Search came back, I thought maybe I should not think so much. Let’s just try first and doubt myself later. (Chuckles) Also I’m not getting any younger.”
“I never thought of joining. I was just buying bubble tea at Funan when [YES 933 DJ] Lin Pinjuen, who was there scouting for contestants, came up to me and asked me to join. I was just planning on supporting my wife [Gladys Bay] at the auditions the next week. But during that one week gap, I thought about it and decided to go for it too.”
“I feel that in the entertainment industry now, we need to do be able to do a lot of things — acting, hosting, being a DJ, or shoot content. Joining Star Search gives me the opportunity to learn from many experts in their field and have the stage to showcase what I’ve learnt.”
“For the past year, I’ve been trying to get my foot into the industry, by doing stunts and getting to know more friends [to build my contacts]. When I heard about Star Search, I thought this is the best opportunity.”
“My family is quite conservative and I grew up with the mindset that I have to study well, so I sort of neglected the dream of mine [to become an actor]. As I grew older, I thought that I wouldn’t be able to live that dream anymore because I did part-time modelling and I didn’t see any opportunities coming. When I saw that Star Search is back, I was like: ‘I have to go for it’.” 
“When Star Search 2024 was announced, the agency that I worked with, Noontalk Media, recommended me to take part for the exposure. So I did. At least I can say that I gave myself a chance, but I didn’t expect to get in at all! … [Noontalk head honcho Dasmond Koh] told me: ‘Don’t mess up.’ (Laughs) I’m joking. He just told me to try my best.”
“When I saw the advertisement for Star Search, my friend and I crossed the Causeway together to audition. At that time I told myself, I must at least achieve something since I came all the way here to try. My friend didn’t get in though… Only I did… I’m sorry (Laughs).”
“I had just resigned from my job [as a TikTok live stream salesperson in Malaysia] and my mum told me about the competition. It’s a competition I’ve never heard of, and it’s about acting so I decided to try it out. I purposely went down from Kuala Lumpur to Johor Bahru then my mum drove me to Singapore for the auditions.” 
“I don’t think the scouters approached me for my looks, I think they only approached me because of my height. (Laughs) I’m 1.8m tall.”
“I have to be the champion, so that I can get that particular BYD car. And the first thing I want to do after winning, is to drive that car home (laughs).”
“My experience in theatre performance allows me to be less nervous in front of the audience. I also know how to use the audience’s reaction to motivate my performance, which makes me more confident.”
Star Search will be available on Ch 8, mewatch and the Mediacorp Entertainment YouTube Channel from Oct 20. 
The first episode The Search for Stars will air on Oct 20, 8.30pm – 10pm on Ch 8. 
The Star Search 20204 Finals will be telecast live on Nov 24, 7pm – 10pm on Ch 8.
Keep up with Star Search 2024 on mewatch or in the video below:
